

Kayaking is so much fun! Kayaking is done in the Baltic Sea, we can make a few hours trips or even days to Estonian smaller islands. Kayaking in Estonia provides an opportunity to witness diverse marine and bird life along the Baltic Sea coastline- may it be rare bird species or curious seals.
We have trips for those who look for romantic tours, for those wishing to get an exciting experience, and for those who are willing to educate themselves about local nature and culture. Such small islands like in Estonian coastal waters cannot be found elsewhere and the limestone cliff is worth seeing. The best way to explore our natural treasures is to use a sea kayak.

Tour profile

4h to 2 days
Who can participate?
Individuals, Groups (max 30 persons) minimum 10 pers.
45 EUR/person, minimum group price is 180 EUR
Included in price: kayaking equipment, instruction
Practical Information
  • Pick-up Possible, extra cost