Bird watching in Soomaa


Welcome to the avian paradise of Soomaa National Park, where the skies come alive with a vibrant symphony of wings and melodies. Soomaa's diverse ecosystems provide a rich tapestry for birdlife. The park is a mosaic of wetlands, meandering rivers, and ancient forests, creating an ideal habitat for a wide array of bird species.
Find out what kind of birds are living there, how they live, what they eat. The times for tours are different, depending on what kind of birds You want to see.

Tour profile

3-7 km
Soomaa National Park
Who can participate?
Individuals, Groups (max 11 persons) minimum 1 pers.
Spring, Summer, Autumn
30 EUR/person
Minimum Charge for Private Tour: 120 EUR
Included in price: Tour, guide
Not included in price: Transport
Practical Information
  • Pick-up Possible for extra fee and agreement.
  • Notes Please use insect repellent.
    You should have your own telescope, binoculars or camera and drinking water.